Accreditations - Colourpoint
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Giving you the full picture

What do all of these credentials really mean….

FSC® takes care of forests and the people and wildlife that call them home.

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council®) Chain of Custody Certification. Under the FSC system, raw materials are tracked from the forest to the consumer with evidence to confirm the it originates from certified, well-managed forests where they practice responsible forestry.

Our forests are under threat and those who buy a range of materials, including timber, paper and other forest products from untrusted sources could be rewarding damaging and destructive practices. Many timber and paper suppliers will tell you, often in good faith, that their supplies are from ‘sustainable’ or ‘managed’ sources, or from plantations. But without an independent certification system, there is often no way of verifying this or of demonstrating to your clients that you have met their expectation, this is the reason why we rely on FSC Accreditation to ensure that we are buying from responsible sources.

At Colourpoint we use the FSC logo on our printed materials with pride, this is testament to the fact that we will always choose to print on FSC certified stock.

FSC C006508 •

ISO14001 Environmental Management

To ensure that we manage our environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner Colourpoint has achieved ISO14001 Environmental Management Accreditation to ensure the sustainability of the business. This accreditation ensures a holistic approach to environmental management, taking into account both legislative and industry requirements.

To find out more.

ISO9001 Quality Management

ISO9001 Quality Management Accreditation which provides our organisation with the necessary management tools to improve working practices and help us to ensure that we adhere to our environmental responsibilities.

To find out more.

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed and industry-supported scheme that helps businesses protect themselves against the growing threat of cyber attacks and provides a clear statement of the basic controls organisations should have in place to protect them.

Gaining Cyber Essentials certification enables organisations to showcase their credentials as trustworthy and secure when it comes to cyber security.

The certification defines a focused set of controls which provide clear guidance on basic cyber security for organisations of all sizes, and offers a sound foundation of cyber security measures that all types of organisations can implement at a low cost.


The Retail Supplier Qualification System (RSQS) is designed to standardise and manage requests for compliance and assurance data within the John Lewis Partnership. RSQS provides a standard and simple mechanism for collecting and managing supplier compliance assurance information across the Partnership. This means the Colourpoint are a pre-qualified supplier for new business within the JLP.